Bytespree Identity  

Know and delight your constituents

Instantly match website visitors to their CRM data and deliver personalized online experiences.

A personalization solution tailored for impact

Boost conversion rate and average gift amount on your website without writing a single line of code.

Engagement Tracking

Start collecting first-party data about page views, clicks, and custom events on your website.

Easy CRM Integration

Securely connect your CRM's constituent and transaction data to your Identity Constituent Profiles. Browse all connectors.

Fast and Lightweight

Requests to/from the Bytespree Identity APIs occur asynchronously, meaning that your website visitors don't get slowed down - ever.

Integrated with RKD Group's Velocity

Target website visitors with the right offers leveraging breakthough data science capabilities.

Easily measure results

No more waiting to see if your personalizations are driving increased performance. Bytespree Identity captures impressions, clicks, and dismissals of calls-to-action in a real-time-dashboard.

Effortless Data Security

Bytespree Identity's APIs and data infrastructure are managed for you by world-class engineers in our SOC2 copliant cloud environment.

No code, all action.

Deliver personalized, high-quality offers and appeals to website visitors withour writing any code.

Dismissable Banners

Deliver personalized messages to website visitors with configurable buttons.

Dismissable Modals

Deliver personalized images and messages to website visitors with configurable buttons.

Dismissable Floating Bugs

Deliver personalized messages to website visitors with configurable buttons.

Still not convinced?

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